Water from a Dog

The cycles shift and temperatures reverse,
Like some perverse exchange of currency,
Where finally we repay our standing debts,
Despite regrets of reckless spendthrift ways,
From younger days where wanton wickedness,
Accrued the chit, indenturing this day.
Receding glaciers, where once progress crawled,
And scraped, now fall in shaven, slipping sheets,
As if conceding our neglect with loosened tears.
The recent years of paltry salves to heal,
Cannot conceal the sunken, scars engraved,
By misbehavior, made by callous men,
And generations hence who sing their praise,
With breaths betraying in asthmatic gasps,
The poisoned past, that lingers airborne still.
Soft rains which kill like venom tainted knifes,
From sallow skies, of clouds grown tumorous,
Their deathly dust, and putrid payloads poised,
As earth's envoys of truths too long ignored,
Declaring war we thought we long had won,
The damage done, our mastery complete,
The king of beasts we proudly self-proclaimed,
Yet took by name a queen to be our wife,
Who, scorned and spited, would avenge herself,
Withdraw her wealth, revoke her tenderness,
Our arrogance become too much to bear,
She will not share her palace with its thieves,
And spreads disease to smite our viral ways,
Sends deadly waves to cleanse her spoiled depths,
Blows Curse filled breath to level marred terrain,
Screams flame filled hate to cauterize each wound,
And sickly swoons in seizures fatal quake,
As if to shake us free like water from a dog.